Terms and Conditions


Conditions of Use:


1  Use of the Hall is entirely at the risk of the Hirer and those for whom he or she is responsible at the event concerned.  The PCC can accept no responsibility for loss, damage or accident which occurs in the Hall or its grounds. 


2  A booking is not finalised until full payment for the booking, £50 deposit and a copy of this document are returned to the Bookings Officer and confirmation is received in writing or by email. The £50 deposit will be returned after the event providing that no damage has been caused, furniture is replaced correctly and that additional cleaning is not necessary.  Any damage or cleaning costs will be deducted from the deposit.


3   Cancellation of bookings must be given in writing to the Bookings Officer (by post or e-mail) and will only be effective once confirmed by the Bookings Officer in writing or by email. If the Hirer needs to cancel a booking, for whatever reason, the Hirer is liable to pay a cancellation fee of 50% the hire fee if cancelled more than 30 days prior to the scheduled booking or 100% of the hire fee if cancelled less than 30 days prior to the scheduled booking.


4 The Booking Officer will liaise with the hirer should the hall become unavailable for hire under Special circumstances ie for use for a Christian festival event. In this situation we will give the hirer a minimum of 4 weeks notice.

5  Only the kitchen appliances provided must be used and only for the purpose for which they are designed.


6  The thermostat situated in the main hall may be used to adjust the heating as required and then returned to its standard setting at the end of the session.


7  Hirers and those for whom they are responsible must not alter or tamper with any fixtures or fittings within the building or remove any fixtures, fitting or equipment from the building without prior permission from the Bookings Officer or the Hall Manager.


8  Any damage should be reported to the Hall Manager as soon as possible.  Hirers are responsible for any damage caused during the period of hire and will be charged the reasonable cost of repair.


9  It is the hall hirers responsibility to secure the building whilst in use.


10 The Hirer will be required to undertake a health and safety tour just prior to their booking at which point a set of keys to the hall will be issued. Duplicates must not be made. All keys must be returned the Hall Manager immediately after the hire period.  Should a hirer lose the keys or fail to return them at the end of the hire period, they will be responsible for the cost of replacing the locks and the cutting of additional new keys.

The Hirer will only have access to unlocked cupboards, or to those for which keys have been supplied.


11  Smoking is not permitted in any part of the premises at any time.



12  The provision and consumption of alcohol, whether paid for at the event or not, requires the express permission of the PCC (or the Bookings Officer) from whom prior permission must be sought.  If permission is given the hirer is responsible for obtaining any necessary licence from the Local Authority.


13 No public performance or demonstration is permitted without the express permission of the Vicar / Priest in Charge.  Applications for these, giving sufficient details of the proposal, can be made via the Bookings Officer in writing or by email, who will obtain the necessary permission and respond in writing or by email.


14 All functions must finish no later than 10.30pm unless written permission has been obtained from the PCC.  Discos for children and young people must finish by 9pm.  Due consideration must be given to avoiding noise nuisance to neighbouring properties especially when leaving the premises in the evening.


15 Unidentified people must not be allowed to loiter outside the Hall, especially when children or young people are present.


16  All vehicles must be parked in the car parks at the front and rear of the hall.  St. Mary’s Close should only be used for additional parking if absolutely necessary and access to private driveways must not be obstructed.

17 A First Aid box is available in the kitchen.  Please inform the Bookings Officer or the Hall Manager if any of the contents are used.  Contents should not be replaced by the hirer. Where a hirer does not have their own First Aid Book, all incidents must be reported in the incident book located in the First Aid box.


18 There is no telephone installed at the Hall so hirers should ensure that a mobile phone is available for use in case of emergency.


19 Hirers should immediately familiarise themselves with the location of the fire extinguishers and instructions for their use.


20 Chairs should be stacked no more than five high and all furniture should be put back as per the labels.


21 Liquids, including water, and abrasive substances (e.g. sand) must not be used for children’s play activities in the main hall. Glitter may be used on the condition that the tables and floor are cleaned of any excess.

22  Bicycles, scooters, skateboards, etc must not be brought into the hall.  Heelies rollerskates / rollerboots must not be worn.  Tap shoes are also prohibited unless an application is made by the hirer in writing or by email to allow the use of suitable protective floor covering provided by the hirer and approved by the Booking Officer in writing or by email.



23 Food and drink stored in the fridge must be clearly labelled with the owner’s name and must not be used by any other person. Where appropriate a ‘use by’ date must also be shown and any out of date consumables left in the fridge will be discarded.


24 Please do not attach anything directly to the walls or doors as the use of blu / white tack, sticky tape, drawing pins etc can cause damage.


25 Bouncy castles must not be more than a maximum of 8ft high.


26 Hirers should leave the premises as they would wish to find them.  All rooms should be checked and left clean and tidy, toilets should be flushed and taps, lights and electrical appliances (except the fridge) turned off.  All tables must be wiped clean and furniture replaced as per the labels.  Rubbish can be placed in the bin provided – any excess must be taken away.  Hirers are encouraged to take away any material which can be recycled. If rubbish is not removed after the hire and/or the hall requires additional cleaning, a cleaning charge will be deducted from the Hirers deposit.


27 Any electrical equipment brought in to the hall is the hirer’s own responsibility and the hirer is responsible for its PAT (portable appliance testing) testing.



I have read and accept the above Conditions and on behalf of myself and all others involved in the hire accept responsibility for any damage caused during the hire period.


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